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Need Some Photoshop Help - Printable Version

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Need Some Photoshop Help - WarLocK - 04-15-2005

I just bought this resin Christopher Reeve bust from Howard and am having it painted by Will Ritter, a pro FX artist in LA. I am contemplating on whether to have him paint the eyes looking straight forward, to the side, or up.... If anyone can Photoshop some nice blue eyes on this guy looking various directions and post it, that would help me make up my mind. Thanks ahead of time. I don\'t have Photoshop and lack the skills...


Need Some Photoshop Help - WarLocK - 04-15-2005


Need Some Photoshop Help - SPAZ - 04-15-2005

got a bigger pic?

Need Some Photoshop Help - WarLocK - 04-15-2005

I can enlarge this one.... click to blow it up.

Need Some Photoshop Help - SuperDanDrista - 04-15-2005

Oh cool!! You didn\'t tell me you got Will Ritter to do it. I had a Keifer Sutherland Fiberglass Vampire half face a long time ago from him and it was very realistic. Good choice!

And no I can\'t help with photoshop

Need Some Photoshop Help - JASON 7 - 04-15-2005

heres a quickie!

Need Some Photoshop Help - djfrance - 04-15-2005

Reeves looks like a vampire with those eyes!

Someone make it stop!!!

Need Some Photoshop Help - puckface - 04-15-2005

Im no photoshop guy, but Im bored, so..

Need Some Photoshop Help - RavenMedia - 04-15-2005

i wouldnt mind one of these myself, looks nice with hair color too

[Image: super.jpg]

Need Some Photoshop Help - JASON 7 - 04-15-2005

ok enough f--king around here it is! prefect!
