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"mike"'s Hockey Masks? - Printable Version

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"mike"'s Hockey Masks? - allosaur176 - 04-19-2005


I wasn\'t sure how to go about this, but asking was the simplist... I was talking to Mike on AIM, and just purchased a pt3 from him, and he said that there are some on this board who has great pics of his work... I\'m interested in seeing pt 4, Roy and pt 6.... Any help would be great..Thanks


"mike"'s Hockey Masks? - jason8844 - 04-19-2005

so...why do u post this in justins part of the forum?

"mike"'s Hockey Masks? - Indica x - 04-19-2005

This should be in the off topic section but I have pics of most of mikes hockey masks pm your email and I\'ll send them to you but in the mean time my avatar has his part 3 in it

"mike"'s Hockey Masks? - allosaur176 - 04-19-2005

sorry, I wasn\'t sure where to post it... The mods can move this

"mike"'s Hockey Masks? - puckface - 04-19-2005


"mike"'s Hockey Masks? - null1 - 04-19-2005

Mike makes hockey masks?!

"mike"'s Hockey Masks? - goaliehack - 04-19-2005

Heres Dans part 5.

"mike"'s Hockey Masks? - Ben_Forsaken - 04-19-2005

Who The Hell Is Mike?!?!

"mike"'s Hockey Masks? - mike - 04-19-2005

who the hell is bill?

"mike"'s Hockey Masks? - Ben_Forsaken - 04-19-2005

some a$$hole I hear.