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Swampthing - Printable Version

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Swampthing - Kdunaway18 - 04-22-2005

I loved this movie when I younger and was wondering if someone makes a good swampthing mask,pics or links would be good if you have them.

Swampthing - Ben_Forsaken - 04-22-2005

That\'d be pretty cool. I\'m sure someones made that mask before at some point. Maybe even an \'official\' one somewhere?

Swampthing - Mask Murderers - 04-22-2005

Contact Neil from Latex Mask Central, he made a super looking one.


Swampthing - gmyers - 04-22-2005

I think Mark was kicking the idea around A LONG time ago if i\'m correct, we\'ll just hve to wait and see! Smile

Swampthing - Kdunaway18 - 04-22-2005

Thanks for the info guys.I\'ll check them out.

Swampthing - crucifixed carnage - 04-22-2005

hey man i got a swamp thing mask very old my first mask its in great condition except a couple crack here and there but if your interested pm me tonigh and ill di it out tomorrow and send pics thanks


Swampthing - lmcadmin - 04-22-2005

Funny, I hadn\'t been by this forum for a few weeks.

Thanks Bob for the kudos. I did 2 copies as xmas presents this year, but hadn\'t planned anything else

[Image: swdone2.jpg]

Swampthing - Last_of_the_Brunnen-G - 04-22-2005

Swamp Thing is great. I am very big S.T. fan. I had actually considered doing a mask of him one time. I would base mine more of the comic book look though.

Swampthing - Ben_Forsaken - 04-22-2005

pretty cool looking. I\'d like to see one in natural lighting. Love the moss and stuff glued to him.