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Ripping Audio From Streaming Media? - Printable Version

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Ripping Audio From Streaming Media? - Hauntmaster9 - 05-02-2005

Can this be done? Myspace has the entire new nine inch nails album in streaming media, but i want to burn it to a cd. Any of you computer geeks out there know how to do this? Thanks

Ripping Audio From Streaming Media? - ALLOUTMASSACRE - 05-02-2005

Hey nice to see a fellow NIN fan. The easiest way and best way to get music is a bit torrant program. I got the "With Teeth" from one. Type bitlord in google, and download the program. Then you just have to find some bit torrent sites that host the files you want. I got it from Just search google for those also. Hope this helps. It will take alot less time also. Took me like an hour or so to download the album, my friend tried ripping it from streaming media and has been working on it for 2 days.

Ripping Audio From Streaming Media? - Hauntmaster9 - 05-02-2005

Ahh Yeah, I fiend bitorrent. Normally for programs though haven\'t downloaded any cds yet! I\'ll give it a look, I find to be one of the best sites for torents, know any other good ones?

Ripping Audio From Streaming Media? - adam - 05-02-2005

i just get it through a torrent, or if you have aim, i can send it to you. however, i must tell you, unless you are all about dave grohl, it sucks (save the last 3 songs). say what any of you will, but i think trent has lost it for sure...

Ripping Audio From Streaming Media? - Hauntmaster9 - 05-02-2005

I\'ve already listened to it streaming, I think its pretty good. It\'s no downward spiral, but theres some damn nice tracks on it.

Ripping Audio From Streaming Media? - ALLOUTMASSACRE - 05-02-2005

Yeah I\'ll admit I love NIN but isn\'t good as Downward Sprial or The Fragile. Only track I really don\'t like on there is Getting Smaller*Can really tell the Dave Ghrol influence on drums*. Beside You in Time and The Line Begins to Blur are pretty great though.

Ripping Audio From Streaming Media? - Hauntmaster9 - 05-02-2005

They should have called the album Withuh Teethuh, that part kind of got annoying.

Ripping Audio From Streaming Media? - adam - 05-02-2005

yea really haha, some songs sound like foo fighters\' unused demos or something <_<