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I'm Finally Getting Better! - Printable Version

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I'm Finally Getting Better! - SPAZ - 05-22-2005

It felt like I was sick for months
I had strep throat and man it sucked ass I still cant really open my mouth all the way
I\'ve been in bed pretty much for a week straight
havnt really been able to talk or even yawn
and to top it all off I had to swallow these big ass blue pills
heres a pic of what it kinda looked like mine was waaaaaay worse
you dont want to get this get a strep test if you think you have it cuz I wated a few days I just thought it was a sore throat
My Brother in Law and I both had it and since we dont go around kissing sick ppl or each other we got it from contaminated food and the only place we ate at was McDonalds(so them sick ass bastards are hocking in ppls food)

I'm Finally Getting Better! - Ben_Forsaken - 05-22-2005

Glad to see you\'re getting better. I just sent you a nice box brimming with malaria and e-coli, enjoy.

I'm Finally Getting Better! - adam - 05-22-2005

Sad poor baby

I'm Finally Getting Better! - puckface - 05-22-2005

now you can send boxes!! Smile

I'm Finally Getting Better! - Hauntmaster9 - 05-22-2005

Silly, everyone knows you can\'t send out boxes when you have strep.

I'm Finally Getting Better! - myers-san - 05-22-2005

Glad your getting better Spaz....And just to show we care we would love you to come on down to our chicken restaraunt called SAM&ELLA\'s...we are sure after one won\'t be able to eat for weeks!!!!

glad you are getting better man.

I'm Finally Getting Better! - gmyers - 05-23-2005

:lol: :lol:

I\'m glad you are getting better Spaz, I hate McDonalds!

I'm Finally Getting Better! - HorrorFX - 05-23-2005

aw dude just as i was having my co-co pops, lol, i hope you have a steady recovery
take care bro

I'm Finally Getting Better! - jwolf1277 - 05-23-2005

sounds like you have mono, get the doc to run a blood test

I'm Finally Getting Better! - gtafreak - 05-23-2005

Man, I\'ve never had strep throat and after seeing that pic I don\'t want it. Really sucks, but good to see your getting better.