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Recieved My "roy" :) - Printable Version

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Recieved My "roy" :) - VF31 - 04-12-2004

got it today! i love it...cant wait to get my flesh hood from Justin Smile

[Image: MVC-008F.JPG]
[Image: MVC-009F.JPG]

Recieved My "roy" :) - Eddie - 04-12-2004

OMG dude, that is effing sweet!


Recieved My "roy" :) - RCuomo 2.0 - 04-12-2004

D M C right?
I got mine last week... love that mask!

Cheers mate

Recieved My "roy" :) - VF31 - 04-12-2004

yep dmc Smile

Recieved My "roy" :) - Andy - 04-12-2004

Great looking Hockey Mask! Congrats man.

Recieved My "roy" :) - Pugsly - 04-12-2004

Great looking mask! I should get my DMC 4 and 5 soon also.

Recieved My "roy" :) - travsall - 04-12-2004

Great score VF! That\'s one of the nicer part 5s I\'ve seen from DMC!

Recieved My "roy" :) - Jason-V - 04-12-2004

i wont one from dmc,, but im scared ill get a shitty one Sad

Recieved My "roy" :) - Eddie - 04-12-2004

Send them a pic of how you want it. I\'m sure they\'d let ya.


Recieved My "roy" :) - travsall - 04-12-2004

Eddie\'s, got it, I\'ve heard a lot of guys do that and be very happy with the outcome. Get a screen shot of the mask and send that along with your payment, shouldn\'t be any problem then.