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Bill & Sid Shirts! - Printable Version

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Bill & Sid Shirts! - Sawman - 08-13-2005

Smile hey guys just wondering what you all think of my hand made T shirts? wondering if i should try and sell some ? let me know what you think!! Smile [attachment=7153:attachment]

Bill & Sid Shirts! - Sawman - 08-13-2005

and i can make them say anything you want under or above the picture! Smile Big Grin :wink:

and yes i know this is off topic sorry.


Bill & Sid Shirts! - Mutilated - 08-13-2005

Very old school style. I dig it.

Bill & Sid Shirts! - Sawman - 08-13-2005

thanks man these are my first ones i working on a sloth one as we speak. Smile

Bill & Sid Shirts! - Sawman - 08-13-2005

ok there will be many horror shirts coming.
working on a Jason one today will post pics later!

Bill & Sid Shirts! - Cory - 08-13-2005

What kinda price are we looking at for these fine shirts? And how well does the image stay on the shirt and what method of transfer do you use?


Bill & Sid Shirts! - Sawman - 08-13-2005

16.00$ shipped , and the image is tranfered with highly durable PAINT.
and the ones you seen have been through the washer at least 6 or 7 times already when i put image on i will have to wash to get all extra paint off but i will send tags to shirt to ensure the shirt is brand new. Big Grin

Bill & Sid Shirts! - Sawman - 08-14-2005

or I can just let you wash when you get Big Grin :wink:

Bill & Sid Shirts! - Sawman - 08-14-2005

Ok all you guys i have added a new shirt to the collection come and get it!!! Smile Big Grin



Bill & Sid Shirts! - Sawman - 08-14-2005

this was just the test shirt !