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Aftermath/genesis - Printable Version

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Aftermath/genesis - Cthulhu - 08-13-2005

hey everyone i was wondering if anyone on heres heard anything good about the new dvd coming out aftermath/genesis, i\'ve read some good reviews so far just waiting for it to come out so i can see if they live up to it. i\'ve tried to check out the trailer on unearthed\'s site but the damn thing wont work for me :angry: well anyways i\'ll let everyone know how i like it in case anyones interested in checkin it out Smile later

Aftermath/genesis - kevinperson - 08-14-2005

Aftermath is amazing. Very morbid...disgusting...beautiful...amazing. You DO NOT want to show mom it, that\'s for sure!! Tongue

I haven\'t seen Genesis yet, though I doubt that it would be disapointing. If you are into hardcore horror/gore like say, something on the level of Cannibal Holocaust, then you should appreciate Aftermath. It really is disturbing..but it is shot so..well...beautifully, that you can\'t help but admire the craftmanship that went into it.

Aftermath/genesis - Cthulhu - 08-14-2005

awesome!!!! thats what i like to hear, i\'ll be getting it as soon as its released on dvd the 23rd

Aftermath/genesis - navicon - 08-14-2005

If you like Nekromantik and Irreversible, you will love Aftermath 8)