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Gohs 8 Bust! - Printable Version

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Gohs 8 Bust! - jonl - 08-14-2005

Here it is boys. GOHS 8 pull painted up by Aaron Lewis AKA Creeping Dead!!!!
What can I say! He did an outstanding JOB!!!!! I am more than happy with the result\'s. Now on with the pics!!!! Thanks again Aaron!

[Image: pt8front.jpg]

[Image: pt8flash.jpg]

[Image: pt8side.jpg]

[Image: part8bust.jpg]

[Image: pt8veins.jpg]

[Image: pt8leftside.jpg]

[Image: pt8progress.jpg]

Gohs 8 Bust! - Chainsaw - 08-14-2005

:o :o Great piece...and very nice paint job indeed!

Gohs 8 Bust! - IbDaToNeGuY - 08-14-2005

now that is the best paintjob i have ever seen on a part 8 period . WOW !!!!!! and even took pics of the painting process too . i\'ve always wondered how to do vein work :wink:


Gohs 8 Bust! - HalloweeN - 08-14-2005

Thats awsome! Congrats!!!
Jon N.

Gohs 8 Bust! - RCuomo 2.0 - 08-14-2005

Thats sweet Jon! Congrats!! Did you get that right from Aaron? I hope I get mine from Cropsy one day.... one day....


Gohs 8 Bust! - Pugsly - 08-14-2005

Looks awesome jon...........

Gohs 8 Bust! - jonl - 08-14-2005

Yeah I paid Aaron for the blank and to paint it

Gohs 8 Bust! - Ol#39; Chop Top - 08-14-2005

That\'s the tops man... Real nice paint job on it too.

Gohs 8 Bust! - farid_krueger - 08-14-2005

WOW...that came out great! I love the detail Aaron put into that piece. congrats on that man. Smile

and Aaron, amazing job man!!

Gohs 8 Bust! - krazedkilla - 08-14-2005

Gongrat\'s on the nice score jonl. That\'s an amazing piece to own and I think Aaron did a bang up job on it.