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My Vs Slasher! - Printable Version

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My Vs Slasher! - The13thDreamShape - 04-17-2004

OOHHHHH MAN!! i love this damn machete. uits great in every way. Built for toughness! i love it. U guys gotta order soon. its friggin awesome. the post man, came with my machete about 5 minutes ago. I love it. DUdes, Go ahead and save urself the trouble. send the money order to jon. I cant explain how kool it is. here are some pics. its a lot bigger than the pictures show.

My Vs Slasher! - The13thDreamShape - 04-17-2004

Big Grin

My Vs Slasher! - The13thDreamShape - 04-17-2004

Wink it also came with a green pouch so keep it smooth. but i didnt take pics of it. i took pics of the handle so u guys can get a close look. its awesome. BUY ONE!! I promise u, u guys will love it.


My Vs Slasher! - Andy - 04-17-2004

Awesome looking machete you got there. Nice score and nice work Jon!

My Vs Slasher! - HalloweeN - 04-17-2004

Glad to see you got it and that you are pleased with it!!!! Nice doing business with you!! Big Grin

Jon N.

My Vs Slasher! - The13thDreamShape - 04-17-2004

My Pleasure Big Grin

My Vs Slasher! - Jason-V - 04-18-2004

hey jon.. that looks kick ass and all.. but your like me with metal.. you can craft steel and other metals... check it... try to find some one good with wood, or maybe you can do it. Get a dremel or router and make some wood handles with the finger grooves in it... then that thing would be kick ass!
other than that looks great!

My Vs Slasher! - HalloweeN - 04-18-2004

I thought about that but, I didnt wanna make a screen accurate machete. I just wanted to make somethin pretty close for ALOT cheaper than the other guys are charging for there machetes. one\'s gonna see the handle when they have them in their hand.

Jon n. Big Grin

My Vs Slasher! - The13thDreamShape - 04-18-2004

the handle is pretty good
for the price, u cant beat it. I love mine. its awesome. trust me, get one and u will be happy with it. its fast to make too!

My Vs Slasher! - JASON 7 - 04-18-2004

pretty sweet . looks a little short though. whats the overall length?