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Chat Night - Printable Version

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Chat Night - stalker - 09-09-2005

hey guys we should start a chat night like every friday from like 8:00 to 11:00
i think that would Rock what do you guys think??? :unsure:

Chat Night - GBeninati - 09-10-2005

Isn\'t that the exact time people with a life go out and try to get laid :lol:

JK I work friday nights.

Chat Night - SPAZ - 09-10-2005

Quote:Isn\'t that the exact time people with a life go out and try to get laid :lol:
JK I work friday nights.
yeah thats what I saying

o wait I\'m married

sounds good to me

Chat Night - stalker - 09-10-2005

lol im married as well

Chat Night - Chainsaw - 09-10-2005


oh wait...I guess a girlfriend of 11 years is pretty much the same Tongue