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Which Chainsaw - Printable Version

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Which Chainsaw - BioHazard - 04-23-2004

ok i need an old vintage looking chainsaw for my bubba costume i am not sure what kind was used for the film.. but which one of these should i buy?? or if you know of another place for me to get one even better let me know

[url=\"\"][/url] <Number 1

[url=\"\"][/url] <Number 2

Which Chainsaw - MegaJasonXXL - 04-23-2004

I\'d buy the #2 if it runs or you can get it to. Take the chain off and add a larger, newer looking bar. bubba would never let his saw fall into disrepair. LOL

Which Chainsaw - BioHazard - 04-23-2004

hell i think i like ths one the most i just found it


Which Chainsaw - goaliehack - 04-23-2004

The chainsaw used in the origial TCM a MCCULLOCH. Either the Mac 10-10 or the Mac 2-10 either way it is film accurate other then the gas cap. Both yellow at the base n what not.

Which Chainsaw - MegaJasonXXL - 04-23-2004

Screen accurate saw. Hmmm.

Which Chainsaw - BioHazard - 04-23-2004

i found the mac 10-10 for 40$ i will get it if shipping isn\'t too much

Which Chainsaw - travsall - 04-23-2004

You found an old McCulloch? Nice find man! Not easy saws to come by really, I\'m getting an old Mac from a buddy of mine as soon as he get\'s it fixed up for me, damn old and yellow, gonna be a REAL close match!!