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New Score - Rbr Part 2 Shriek Glove! - Printable Version

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New Score - Rbr Part 2 Shriek Glove! - RavenMedia - 09-29-2005

Hey All

got a new score in from bill (Ben Forsaken)

damn what can i say for this glove!!

it totally blew me away 100% true craftsmanship and effort has been put into this glove. One of the best glove creators to date IMO and i would point anyone in the direction of Bill who wants the best out of a the burned guy Glove.

Absolute Outstanding job Bill, and may you make many more Smile

Also i will be getting this baby signed by Robert Englund on saturday so ill have more pics coming soon Smile

On with the pics:

[Image: glove-001.jpg]

[Image: glove-002.jpg]

[Image: glove-003.jpg]

[Image: glove-004.jpg]

[Image: glove-005.jpg]

New Score - Rbr Part 2 Shriek Glove! - puckface - 09-29-2005

damn thats beautiful......seriously...

New Score - Rbr Part 2 Shriek Glove! - HorrorFX - 09-29-2005

jeez i tell ya Bill has come a long way, great work and great score Andy

New Score - Rbr Part 2 Shriek Glove! - Martoch - 09-29-2005

Wow, truly a work of art.

Awesome that you\'re getting it signed by Englund, I wonder what he\'ll think of it.

New Score - Rbr Part 2 Shriek Glove! - Ben_Forsaken - 09-29-2005

aww, thanks for the comps. I\'m glad you dig it Andy.

New Score - Rbr Part 2 Shriek Glove! - Homicidal#9 - 09-30-2005

i am not that big of a freddy fan...or for that matter the glove....but holy jeebus man....that is an outstanding glove right there...he did an excellent job on it


New Score - Rbr Part 2 Shriek Glove! - Ben_Forsaken - 09-30-2005

Yeah I dig em too. Big Grin

They\'re heavy and the metals nice and thick.

New Score - Rbr Part 2 Shriek Glove! - travsall - 09-30-2005

One of the best gloves I\'ve ever seen period. Bill, when you start doing more, you need to let me know man!

New Score - Rbr Part 2 Shriek Glove! - Homicidal#9 - 09-30-2005

what trav said...let us know when you start to make more


New Score - Rbr Part 2 Shriek Glove! - FVJ Leatherface - 09-30-2005

That is just COOL! Great score!