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Bloody Tablecloth - Printable Version

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Bloody Tablecloth - jf5550 - 10-05-2005

For a Halloween party I bought a big piece of white fabric to put over a table and I want to cover it with fake blood and use that to put food on and what not for Halloween. I got a jug of fake blood and I\'m wondering if I cover the cloth in this, and try to wash it, will it screw up the washing machine? I\'m just worried and don\'t want my mom to go insane. I know it will stain, which I\'m looking for, but I want it to look good, but I don\'t want the blood to get everywhere.

Bloody Tablecloth - VF31 - 10-05-2005

u should just get goaliehack to have his period on it! :lol:

Bloody Tablecloth - Soldier48 - 10-05-2005

Most likely the fake blood will wash off and look pink. I would just pour it on the tablecloth and not wash it.

Bloody Tablecloth - guitarmaster - 10-05-2005

Quote:u should just get goaliehack to have his period on it!  :lol:

Do it outside, and maybe add some red food coloring, and i\'m sure if it dries it\'ll be fine in the washer..

Bloody Tablecloth - puckface - 10-05-2005

No, I actually took a bedsheet, and splattered fake blood all over it, til this day its stained in there and doesnt come off on ya or anything, and it looks liek real blood....

just splatter some on whatever you are usin, let dry for a day, adn walah

Bloody Tablecloth - Ben_Forsaken - 10-05-2005

Puck? You sleep on blood spattered sheets?

damn, I thought I was wierd.

Bloody Tablecloth - Mutilated - 10-05-2005

Quote:Puck? You sleep on blood spattered sheets?

damn, I thought I was wierd.
You mean it\'s not normal? :unsure: