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Friday The 13th Dvds I Want To Buy - Printable Version

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Friday The 13th Dvds I Want To Buy - wwetoprope1 - 10-08-2005

I dont know why, but my stores like best buy,suncoast and stores like that didnt really have a good selection of friday the 13th movies to choose from.

So im looking to buy:
ft13th part 4
ft13th part 5
ft13th part 6
ft13th part 8
and jason gth

i dont care if you dont have the dvd cases or if there just copys of the movies.


oh and my email and screen name was changed to

Friday The 13th Dvds I Want To Buy - The Leprechaun - 10-09-2005

Try, they ship for free, have everything and they get it to you quick. Most of my collection came from them. Oh, and their cheap too!
