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My First Attempt At Dr. Decker - Printable Version

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My First Attempt At Dr. Decker - DragoBloodlust - 10-10-2005

OK, I finally got around to trying this. I wanted to make my mask more as it was described in Clive Barker\'s "Cabal" on which Nightbreed was based. (If you haven\'t read it, go do it now!!) First off, don\'t let anyone tell you making a mask out of cloth is easy, especially if you cant sew well. I had to get a hand from my wife to help me cut the cloth to fit, then mark my grommets. Once the grommets were in, i realized we cut a bit too high, so the they ended up starting on top of my head. Then I added the eyes, and zipper mouth. Thankfully, they ended up alligned perfectly. It was a pain in the ass, but turn out terrible. The easiest part was adding the blood and grinding the edge off of a knife.

[Image: dayvshalloween1.jpg]

[Image: dayvshalloween3.jpg]

My First Attempt At Dr. Decker - guitarmaster - 10-10-2005

Looks cool,
How long did it take you to do?

My First Attempt At Dr. Decker - adam - 10-10-2005

Thats cool man. Anyway you could generalize what the book says?

My First Attempt At Dr. Decker - Ol#39; Chop Top - 10-10-2005

Quote:Thats cool man. Anyway you could generalize what the book says?

Yeah i curious to know also. I went and looked for the book at the local library, but it was a no go. Gonna have to buy it i think. Wouldn\'t the mask look just like in the movie? since Clive wrote and directed it. I dunno. Looks pretty cool though, good job man. sowing is a bitch.

My First Attempt At Dr. Decker - DragoBloodlust - 10-10-2005

The mask in the movie wasnt made of cloth, it was a thin latex mask. In the book it was described as sweat stained white linen tight so tight that the salive stained the cloth. His face was a sewing box doll with button eyes and a zipper mouth. Pretty much like in the movie, but i picture it rattier than it seems in the flick. The movies makes the mask much darker in color than the book describes.

It took me from fabric to mask about 5-7 hours. I went thru a bit of fabric, trying to get the colors right. I used some light browns, some yellow darkened with brown to get a good sweat and old blood stained color. Then a mixed some black acrylic paint with some water and used a spray bottle to kinda mist some black on to make it look a little dirtier, as if it had been warn a lot.

Thanks for all the compliments. I may try it again some time. Bring the split in the back down lower off of the top of my head and use smaller grommets.

My First Attempt At Dr. Decker - Jason-V - 10-10-2005

looks good man!