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Bitn Gloves? - Printable Version

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Bitn Gloves? - FinalOmega - 10-16-2005

hey guys,
Just wondering, anybody own these BITN gloves- [attachment=8913:attachment]
They look pretty nice, I might order some for my part 7 suit, if you do own them how do they fit, and would they work well with part 7 stuff if i added some ripped up leather gloves over them? I\'ll be pateient for and answer this time :wink:

Bitn Gloves? - SPAZ - 10-16-2005

I do
there pretty cool
good fit

Bitn Gloves? - FinalOmega - 10-16-2005

Quote:I do
there pretty cool
good fit
sweet, thanks bro, I\'m off to order them! Tongue

Bitn Gloves? - Indica x - 10-16-2005

He didn\'t have ripped up gloves in part 7

Bitn Gloves? - SPAZ - 10-16-2005

nope the gloves from pt6 where rotted off

Bitn Gloves? - FinalOmega - 10-16-2005

Quote:He didn\'t have ripped up gloves in part 7
hmmm....I could have sworn he did, I might be wrong, i\'ll have to go back and watch is for the 1,000,000 time.

Bitn Gloves? - ZombieBloodLust - 10-17-2005

part 6 he had the yelloish leather work gloves, but they are mysteriously gone in part 7, i have gloves on my part 7 because it makes it easyer to have zombie hands, less work.... and it conciels the edge of my arm appliances...i think the mystery gloves make a comeback in manhattan tho.

Bitn Gloves? - SPAZ - 10-17-2005

but he did have gloves at the very start of 7
when they first show him in the water

Bitn Gloves? - coreyfeldman - 10-17-2005

It would be kind of hard to find gloves to fit the hands though there a little big.[attachment=8930:attachment][attachment=8931:attachment][attachment=8932:att

Bitn Gloves? - ZombieBloodLust - 10-17-2005

but he did have gloves at the very start of 7
when they first show him in the water

yeah but that was just a few months-years after tommy put him there... here is where tina wishes him alive agian.............
[Image: PDVD_004.jpg]

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Ok, OK! telekeneticaly resurects the wrong Guy good "wishes alive" sounds pretty gay lol what was i thinkin!