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New Score! - Cory - 11-02-2005

Well I love the Spirit Halloween Superstore that has been open here in the Nooga for the past to know the owners really well...nice folks. Well anyway I wanted to see what they had left today since the entire store was 50% off...and they had this old ass clown mask I\'ve been eyeing since I first started going in there (I\'ve been in there at least 20 times). Well here\'s some pics of it...I can\'t believe I got it for only 10 bucks!
oh and ironically check out my awesome Fright-Rags "Funhouse" hoodie I happened to be wearing today...actually I wear it every day instead of a jacket...I just love that thing!


New Score! - Homicidal#9 - 11-02-2005

nice mask man...didnt get a chance to go to our spirit today...probably missed out on some good deals


New Score! - Jason-V - 11-02-2005

YEa i went to walmart and Target got some 50% off goodies!

New Score! - Krazy Ken - 11-02-2005

pretty cool dude

New Score! - Mutilated - 11-02-2005

Dude, that clown is creepy, I like it!

New Score! - HalloweeN - 11-02-2005

Thats a pretty freaky lookin mask! I like it!

New Score! - null1 - 11-02-2005

Sweet ass mask. I used to get a Universal Studios employee discount at the Spirit store in Orlando. I wanted to hit up some of the Halloween stores around here for big discounted goodies but I had to get the wife some new contacts instead Sad At least she can see me when I flip her off....

j/k, if you\'re reading this baby, you know I love ya! :lol:

New Score! - VF31 - 11-02-2005


New Score! - SlasherHouse - 11-02-2005

Quote:Well I love the Spirit Halloween Superstore that has been open here in the Nooga for the past to know the owners really well...nice folks.  Well anyway I wanted to see what they had left today since the entire store was 50% off...and they had this old ass clown mask I\'ve been eyeing since I first started going in there (I\'ve been in there at least 20 times).  Well here\'s some pics of it...I can\'t believe I got it for only 10 bucks!
oh and ironically check out my awesome Fright-Rags "Funhouse" hoodie I happened to be wearing today...actually I wear it every day instead of a jacket...I just love that thing!


Hey bro, a friend of mine lives up that way and said they had a decent looking Myers in there. Any chance did you see it? If so give me the low down, may have to get him to pick me up one. Thanks in advance!