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Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - Printable Version

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Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - Chainsaw - 11-03-2005

This was the first time I\'ve worn anything other than my 15-18 year old Freddy mask. Won a prize at work for scariest costume with this baby and scared the hell out of lots of trick or treaters! I know the coveralls are too clean but they were brand new and I didn\'t have time to rip em up Smile
[attachment=9710:attachment] [attachment=9711:attachment]

Figured while I had the coveralls on I\'d put on my Boogeyman...this was actually the first time I had it on. Both of these masks fit me perfectly!

[attachment=9712:attachment] [attachment=9713:attachment]

My neighbor has a green outside light for his I took advantage of some cool lighting...I think the pics turned out pretty nice.

[attachment=9714:attachment] [attachment=9715:attachment]

And last but not least...I took most of my masks to work to decorate our office. People said they say a whole other side of me :lol: . I sent this guy home with my girlfriend...


Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - VF31 - 11-03-2005

rad pics!

Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - SNIKT! - 11-03-2005

Awesome Chainsaw! I like those creepy green pics!

Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - Pugsly - 11-03-2005

Cool pics dude........

Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - Ol#39; Chop Top - 11-03-2005

:lol: That last one cracked me up. Nice man. Lookin good :wink:

Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - Martoch - 11-03-2005

Great pics, especially the green lighting...looks like it could be from a movie.

Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - TallDarkandDisfigured - 11-03-2005

Wicked. I love the second pic. I love the head tilt too. Very in character.

Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - Jason-V - 11-03-2005

Nice pics man! The green pics kick ass!

Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - Chainsaw - 11-03-2005

Thanks guys. Very much appreciate the comments Smile
The green lit pics did come out much better than I was just spur of the moment. I especially like the way the left side of the mask is shadowed.

...and in case anyone is wondering, Jason isn\'t much for travelling in the car. No conversation whatsoever Tongue .

Thought I'd Share A Couple Of Halloween Pics - adam - 11-03-2005

Quote:Page Not Responding
That last one is hilarious! like someone\'s freak son or something! :lol: