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Christmas Joke Time! - Printable Version

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Christmas Joke Time! - myers-san - 11-22-2005

What did one Christmas tree say to the other before going into the chipper?

WERE\' FLOCKED!!!!!!!!!......




Christmas Joke Time! - HorrorFX - 11-22-2005

LOL :lol:

Christmas Joke Time! - antisocial1 - 11-22-2005

It\'s not even Thanksgiving yet.... Can I do a Thanksgiving joke? well...related...I guess it could be Christmas too, but yeah.
Why did the turkey cross the road?

Because it was the chicken\'s day off.


I know, I know. You can make fun of me now. Tongue

Christmas Joke Time! - SPAZ - 11-22-2005

Quote:It\'s not even Thanksgiving yet
thats what I was just going to put

Christmas Joke Time! - Sackface - 11-22-2005

How do ya tell the difference between snowmen & snowweman?


Christmas Joke Time! - Cory - 11-23-2005

how do you eat a dead baby?

you don\'t you sick bastard...