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jason x project reshaping the eyes - Printable Version

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jason x project reshaping the eyes - JASON 7 - 02-24-2004

heres the starts
[Image: 120760324oapVsx_ph.jpg]
[Image: 121096295jkxbtA_ph.jpg]

jason x project reshaping the eyes - VF31 - 02-24-2004

lookin awesome so far man....cant wait for more pics

jason x project reshaping the eyes - killnskin - 02-24-2004

the shape is awsome. great work.

jason x project reshaping the eyes - NightmareKiller - 02-24-2004

What is it? How big is it? Great job! :lol: Well, is it Sculpy and Super Sculpy?

jason x project reshaping the eyes - Jason-V - 02-24-2004

Now thats a true X mask sculpture!!

jason x project reshaping the eyes - ZombieBloodLust - 02-25-2004

nuhhhh uhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is a recast bitch!! im gonna kick your ass dean!!!!! how dare you............ohh heh its fer a doll, my bad lol!!!

besides dean is much taller and looks like a thinner kane hodder i shoyld not mess with him heh!!!!!

Jes playin !

jason x project reshaping the eyes - JASON 7 - 02-25-2004

it\'s made from milliput. great stuff.

jason x project reshaping the eyes - Cyclonus - 02-25-2004

Nice to see someone sculpting Big Grin looks good, cant wait to see it done. The mini one you did was really cool.


jason x project reshaping the eyes - JASON 7 - 02-25-2004

i keep telling myself to sculpture some full size stuff like a hockey mask. i\'m just scared someone might say recast! i think it might be easier then all this dumb little shit i keep :lol:

jason x project reshaping the eyes - Andy - 02-25-2004

Looks great!. Would make a cool key-ring?. I\'d buy one.