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New Piece In, Spfx Vamp - Printable Version

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New Piece In, Spfx Vamp - travsall - 11-29-2005

Got this guy today from Steve aka VF 31 and damn I am blown away. Unbelievable mask, the sculpture and paint work are fantastic, but the platinum silicone, WOW! Just incredable stuff, really is comfortable to wear, and moves very well with your face, very impressed with it. The teeth are really cool too, took a long time to get em fit just right, but they are perfect now.
[Image: svamp9.jpg]

and the mask on the stand
[Image: svamp1.jpg]
[Image: svamp2.jpg]
[Image: svamp3.jpg]
[Image: svamp4.jpg]
[Image: svamp5.jpg]
[Image: svamp6.jpg]

shot of the paint work detail
[Image: svamp7.jpg]

New Piece In, Spfx Vamp - travsall - 11-29-2005

and, the mask being worn
[Image: svamp10.jpg]
[Image: svamp11.jpg]
[Image: svamp12.jpg]
[Image: svamp13.jpg]

***video is here***

New Piece In, Spfx Vamp - Homicidal#9 - 11-29-2005

damnit...that thing is amazing


New Piece In, Spfx Vamp - Pugsly - 11-29-2005

Awesome score Travis.Thats one badass peice, I love my copy.Awesome sculpture and the paint is amazing.........

New Piece In, Spfx Vamp - VF31 - 11-29-2005

excellent travis....i knew ud take pics that really show this thing off!

New Piece In, Spfx Vamp - Chainsaw - 11-29-2005

NICE! I always enjoy seeing pics of this mask. Congrats Travis!

New Piece In, Spfx Vamp - hellbound81 - 11-29-2005

Thats an awesome piece, I love how it moves with your face and teeth look incredible.

New Piece In, Spfx Vamp - Bloodyaxe - 11-29-2005

Thats a piece that fits your style perfectly. I feel theres going to be some cool pics coming soon. You just can\'t beat a silicone based piece !!!!

New Piece In, Spfx Vamp - Krazy Ken - 11-29-2005

very cool score

New Piece In, Spfx Vamp - adamms - 11-29-2005

love it! those teeth are very awsume