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Good Source For Hock Bits? - Printable Version

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Good Source For Hock Bits? - TallDarkandDisfigured - 12-12-2005

You know, buckles, rivets, cheek snaps, that kinda stuff. Where do you guys get em in bulk?

Right now I\'m working on a part 8. I\'m looking for the 3 D rings and back buckle. As screen accurate as possible.

Good Source For Hock Bits? - FinalOmega - 12-12-2005

tandys leather....i think thats what its called, try err somethin like that.

Good Source For Hock Bits? - jason8844 - 12-12-2005

Good Source For Hock Bits? - TallDarkandDisfigured - 12-12-2005

Excellent! Thanks guys.

Does anyone know if that 3 sided halter square is the accurate one for the part 8 straps?


Good Source For Hock Bits? - HorrorFX - 12-12-2005

Most craft shops and hardware stores will have what your looking for also.

Good Source For Hock Bits? - TallDarkandDisfigured - 12-12-2005

I\'ll check at Michaels crafts when I get out of the woods on Tuesday..
Thanks for the help!

Good Source For Hock Bits? - TallDarkandDisfigured - 12-13-2005

Well, no luck on my road trip. Might have to get em from TandyLeather unless anyone here has spares?

Good Source For Hock Bits? - SlasherHouse - 12-14-2005

How many do you need bro? I have a couple around here somewhere.

Good Source For Hock Bits? - TallDarkandDisfigured - 12-14-2005

I just need 3 of the d rings for the part 8 Hockey Mask. Thanks Smile

Good Source For Hock Bits? - Jason-V - 12-14-2005

hey man lowes has the drings.. rivets.. no leather..