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New Glove! - dougie - 12-12-2005

Hey guys got this glove in today and its based off of Nightmare 2.This glove was made by the guy that sells some on ebay.Its a real nice glove and if you ever get a chance to bid on any of his do it!!

Here some pics let me know what you think.

[Image: fredglove1.jpg]
[Image: fredglove2.jpg]
[Image: fredglove3.jpg]
[Image: fredglove4.jpg]

New Glove! - puckface - 12-12-2005

nice bro, glove looks great

New Glove! - VF31 - 12-12-2005

love it...i need to get one !

New Glove! - Jason-V - 12-12-2005

lookin good man!

New Glove! - Rayne00 - 12-12-2005

Hey Dougie, I\'m glad you like it! Hadn\'t heard from ya yet so I wasn\'t sure, lol. Enjoy it bro! Anyone interested in a glove, pm me. Big Grin
- Rayne a.k.a. maxx_fury

New Glove! - josephchoi - 12-12-2005

looks more nightmare 1 to me... it just needs the index and pinky blade bent in a bit, and the middle finger needs a screw rivet at the knuckle...

but still... AWESOME GLOVE!!!!!

New Glove! - - 12-13-2005

Quote:looks more nightmare 1 to me... it just needs the index and pinky blade bent in a bit, and the middle finger needs a screw rivet at the knuckle...

but still... AWESOME GLOVE!!!!!

No, the differences are clear. Great glove!

New Glove! - josephchoi - 12-13-2005

could you please tell me what the differences are? not that im arguing. im genuinely curious Smile

New Glove! - goaliehack - 12-13-2005

Quote:could you please tell me what the differences are? not that im arguing. im genuinely curious Smile
The aging of the back plates on part 2 was much more extensive, part 1\'s aging was only really seen on the lower half of the backplate. That is the main most noticable difference.
Congradulations on trashing a new score over a phillips head screw rivit and a 5 degree bend though! By the way, this glove could have also been done as a pre- glove theft. :wink:

Great looking glove dougie!

New Glove! - HorrorFX - 12-13-2005

I really like the look of this glove. Plus the fingers and the backplate look like there made from thick copper and brass, witch means sturdyness and a longer lasting glove. Sweet score indeed my friend.