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Take A Look At My Simpsons F13/anoes Models - Printable Version

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Take A Look At My Simpsons F13/anoes Models - Slasher Asher - 12-13-2005

Those of you who are fans of the Simpsons are perhaps familiar with Bart\'s extremly violent cartoon show; Itchy and Scratchy. I decided to make some figures of them as two other violent characters. Let me know what you think Smile

[Image: FVSJITC.jpg]

[Image: FVSJITC01.jpg]

[Image: FVSJITC06.jpg]

[Image: FVSJITC02.jpg]

[Image: FVSJITC03.jpg]

[Image: FVSJITC04.jpg]

[Image: FVSJITC07.jpg]

[Image: FVSJITC08.jpg]

[Image: FVSJITC09.jpg]

[Image: FVSJITC10.jpg]

Take A Look At My Simpsons F13/anoes Models - kirdape - 12-13-2005

I love them

Take A Look At My Simpsons F13/anoes Models - Jason Fan - 12-13-2005

Ditto. Those are awesome!

Take A Look At My Simpsons F13/anoes Models - HalloweeN - 12-13-2005

Thats awsome man!! NICE job!! Bravo! Bravo!

Take A Look At My Simpsons F13/anoes Models - antisocial1 - 12-13-2005

Haha! Those are awesome, man! You did a good job!

Take A Look At My Simpsons F13/anoes Models - IbDaToNeGuY - 12-13-2005

sweet models . any chance i ould buy some of them if you deside to make more ?


Take A Look At My Simpsons F13/anoes Models - Pugsly - 12-13-2005

Those are cool.There use to be a guy on ebay that Sold Homers Simpson figures redone as, Myers, Dr Loomis, jason and bubba and soe other horror characters.They were actually pretty cool and cam in a package with the movie logo and stuff.they went for big money aswell and i always seemed to get outbid on the Myers and Loomis ones, LOL.Nice work dude........

Take A Look At My Simpsons F13/anoes Models - adamms - 12-13-2005

looks great, i have a ton of simpsons figures from playmate i should try to transform some hehe

Take A Look At My Simpsons F13/anoes Models - HorrorFX - 12-13-2005

WOW. there really cool mate. Nice work.

Take A Look At My Simpsons F13/anoes Models - Krazy Ken - 12-13-2005

very cool man, nice job