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Selling Stuff - Printable Version

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Selling Stuff - cityofdisaster - 12-16-2005

I\'m trying to sell this stuff ASAP. So feel free to make offers as well. Some of the pics suck of course. No, the hoodie isnt for sale....sorry. And all prices include shipping. Thanks.

Horrorconcepts part 4 Hockey Mask-SOLD!
[Image: HCpart4.jpg]
Efex Part 5 Roy $55
[Image: efexroy.jpg]
Part 8 Sewage Suit-$75
[Image: Uberjason007.jpg]
Fred Glove (I know absolutely nothing about this glove..I\'m an F13 guy)-$60
[Image: fredglove001.jpg]
[Image: fredglove002.jpg]
[Image: sideshow008.jpg]
[Image: fredglove003.jpg]

Selling Stuff - cityofdisaster - 12-16-2005

The Good Son-I picked this up very recently from Astrozombie. I\'m using his pics with his permission for obvious reasons. Simply an amzing piece and I hate to lose this. $150
[Image: goodson3.jpg]
[Image: goodson2.jpg]
[Image: goodson1.jpg]
Part 5 Roy set (HC Hockey Mask with what I believe is a melonhead flesh hood)-SOLD!
[Image: Royset.jpg]

Thanks...PM me or reply with offers etc, etc.


Selling Stuff - horrorconcepts - 12-16-2005

Hey man, Good luck with the sales. But your moving? Not far I hope?

Later Man

Selling Stuff - cityofdisaster - 12-17-2005

Quote:Hey man, Good luck with the sales. But your moving? Not far I hope?

Later Man

Thanks man. Yeah I\'m trying to move out by the 15th of January. I shouldn\'t be moving too far. I\'m wanting to stick around the area if I can find a house. Kinda tired of the condo. Too many problems.


Selling Stuff - cityofdisaster - 12-18-2005

Roy Set and Part 4 Hockey Mask sold! Thanks guys.
