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New Score - Jason-V - 01-29-2006


Ive been wonting one of these for a while... finally got a chance at one!!

New Score - Martoch - 01-29-2006

Damn that\'s a creepy zombie head! Great price too...congrats on your new score. You\'ve gotta post up some pics when you get it.

Hey, that item location is about 20 minutes from my home town.

New Score - Jason-V - 01-29-2006

shit.... well pick it up and send it to me.. 20.00 shippin is kinda high..

New Score - Martoch - 01-29-2006

Quote:shit.... well pick it up and send it to me.. 20.00 shippin is kinda high..


My home town is around Pittsburgh, PA...but I live in FL now.

New Score - farid_krueger - 01-29-2006

very cool man, congrats.. I like the paint job! :thumbsup:

New Score - HorrorFX - 01-29-2006

I dig :thumbsup: . Nice paint work as well.

New Score - mayney - 01-30-2006

maarvellous price for an amazing lucky wee buggerSmile

New Score - Jason-V - 01-30-2006

yea thanks dudes., cant wait either!

New Score - sidewinder420 - 01-30-2006

That\'s an awesome piece, man. Congrats!! Cool