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H3 Witch Drawing - Printable Version

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H3 Witch Drawing - WarLocK - 01-29-2006

Since the whole Hagatha craze started around the forums ... I figured I\'d play w/ an image I had in mind and create her through my picture program that I\'ve been using. I know it\'s not 100% accurate by any means, but I created her w/out looking at any pics... just the imagination. It was fun and looks like it would make a cool t-shirt design or somethign.

[Image: H3witchdesign3.jpg]

H3 Witch Drawing - Last_of_the_Brunnen-G - 01-29-2006

Pretty good doing that from memory.

H3 Witch Drawing - josephchoi - 01-29-2006

fright rags should deffinitly pick this up! lol

H3 Witch Drawing - Colt45 - 01-29-2006

You should do a skull!

H3 Witch Drawing - HorrorFX - 01-29-2006

Looks wicked, Chad!

H3 Witch Drawing - WarLocK - 01-29-2006

Quote:You should do a skull!

I\'ll consider this in the near future... but the Witch intrigues me the most.

H3 Witch Drawing - Jason - 01-29-2006

it\'s almost exactly like a shirt rotten cotton already offers, only the tongue and teeth are different. Even the dimensions of the pictures are exactly the same 449 x 640.
Did you just copy their picture and color it?

H3 Witch Drawing - WarLocK - 01-29-2006

LOL!!! Like I stated, it was an image I played with that I found googling... I used my program to color it in and alter it to look like the H3 witch from memory. As you can see the teeth were removed, I made my own, added the tongue, changed the face shape a bit, and altered the detail to look more ruggish. I wasn\'t trying to take credit for making it from scratch... sorry should have clarified that more. So yes, Rotton Cotton gets the credit for the design... I had no idea what site it came from.

H3 Witch Drawing - fright-rags - 01-29-2006

Quote:fright rags should deffinitly pick this up! lol

I actually used to do shirts with all the different masks a few years ago....but my witch design never really sold as well as the other two so I dropped them all. I thought about redesigning them, but then I saw Rotten Cotton came out with theirs and I liked them better so I decided not to redo them :biggrin:

Anyway, cool pic Chad! Big Grin

H3 Witch Drawing - WarLocK - 01-30-2006

Updated pic. I added the skull and pumpkin.

[Image: H3witchdesignfinal.jpg]