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Deathstudios Crate Beast - Printable Version

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Deathstudios Crate Beast - Colt45 - 02-02-2006

Anyone have pictures of there crate beast? Would love to see them.

Deathstudios Crate Beast - Jason - 02-02-2006

Check with Rayne00, he bought one a couple years back so he might have some pics of it.

Deathstudios Crate Beast - andrew santagato - 02-03-2006

Andrew Santagato\'s Nate and Fluffy, Stephen King Pictures
Here is the pictures that Andrew Santagato wanted me to post. His Fluffy and Custon Deluxe Nate...Very nice job.

Andrew Santagato: Here are the Stephen King photos you wanted, I also posted shots of his house. Its pretty cool if you have never saw it.

In the town next to King\'s, there is a real Pet Cemetary (Semetary) which is were Stephen got the idea of Pet semetary. I didn\'t post the photo but if you want it I\'ll send it to you...

