The one on ebay was my lifesize Leprechaun I sold to Matt ( Number2 ) a while back . The mask and hat was made by Phil , the body and clothes are by Bob Causey .
05-15-2012, 01:14 AM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2012, 02:15 AM by sirbrad.)
Yeah I know about those, the life-sized was cool although the head was kinda too small, Warick\'s head is actually huge and full sized but it still looked cool I saw the Dr. Nichols bust also. I am getting one done from scratch and customized to my size so I can wear it as I Want to make costume and life-sized. The size should be in proportion since as I said Warick\'s head is normal size, actually bigger. He is not the type of Dwarf with even proportions all over, only the limbs are smaller usually. But stay tuned this should be fun!