03-04-2008, 09:41 PM
Hello, all....I am getting ready to start work on a Pt. 7 mask, and I'm going to attempt to make it out of silicone instead of latex in order to try and make the mouth moveable. I have pondered different ideas on how to go about this, and I have watched the "making of" featurette on the dvd boxed set. Kane Hodder spoke of a dental appliance like nothing that had been used before, and after looking at pictures of the film mask and the way the mouth and jaw area are trimmed out, I can only guess that the dental appliance was actually not only in his mouth, but also was on top of his mouth and came out around the side of his jaw. I haven't been able to find any archive pics of the actual appliance itself, and was wondering if anyone had any type of reference pics that I could go by? Or does anyone have any clue as to how this type of dental prosthetic would work? Once I figure this out, I can start sculpting the mask using the same layout as the screen-used mask.Thanks in advance!