12-19-2005, 01:53 AM
I don\'t know if you guys remember the Part 4 undermask sculpture I started easily over a year ago, but I never did finish it. but I\'ve decided to go a different directiong with it, and finish it. I thought that there were enough part 4 under masks in the world that theres no need for another. so, I\'m going to make it into a bust of jason from after he was chopped by the massette at the end of part 4, and this will also double as a jason deamsequence bust from part 5. So if there is anyone with screen capturing abilities, please get me some pictures of the dumby prop from the end of part 4, and pics, if its possible of jason from the dream sequences in part 5. I\'m guessing that the designs arent going to match up perfectly between the two films so I might have to mix the two or something similar. Thanks in advance to anyone kind enough to help.