03-07-2006, 09:54 PM
I just got in the Crystal Lake to Manhattan set, and just watched part 4. I again wondered, just like I\'ve done every singe time I\'ve ever watched it, what is going on when Tommy shaves his head and tells Jason to remember. Has anyone ever explained what this was all about? I have a couple theories about it, but even they don\'t make a lot of sense. One is that he\'s trying to make Jason believe he is his inner child or something to distract him, another one is that he was trying to make him believe he was somebody in his past to distract him. I know what his intention was, but it seems like a strange way of distracting him instead of "Hey Jason!" and mooning him or something :lol: . I was just wondering if that part was ever explained or if anyone had any ideas of why they might have chose that particular scenario.