05-09-2006, 02:45 AM
Quote:3pidemic, that\'s awesome you mentioned Alex Jones...I have several of his doc\'s.
I get into some 9/11 stuff over on the myers chats, so I\'m not as much into bringing it over to other forums, as it tends to cause some \"disharmonic vibes\", we can say but the only thing I\'ll say here is that people as Americans and global citizens should do THEIR OWN investigating and NOT rely on talking heads (or pundits if you call them that) to give you the necessary truth (they almost never do) that you need. Too many people, yes, especially Americans (I\'m one, so I know lol) buy into almost everything they hear as long as it\'s spoken by well-dressed (usually white) people on the TV screen pretending to be objective.
Wakeup call: they DON\'T have our best interests at heart!
So read a few books, check out a few \"alternative\" sites, and stop accusing everyone who raises some questions \"conspiracy kooks\".
And lastly, about 9/11, if you believe what the gov\'t told you about the attacks, that 19 arabs with box-cutters successfully pulled off the most technically impossible maneuvers against the world\'d largest superpower, then you believe the most (logically) outrageous conspiracy theory there is.
ok off my soapbox now, and back to fictional horror. weat:
Kudos to you for being a free-thinker! :thumbsup: