06-26-2005, 02:59 AM
We are going to be doing a zombie film in the near future & I sculpted, molded, filled & painted this all today, not meant to be anything to high tech just a background character. I actually did it on a monsters maker armature head but on a cement one that I made along time ago, it is just a generic piece. The piece is made out of normal latex like masks & Don & I have done this before & it works awesome, as long as your edges are pretty thin, works like a charm, not alot of movement, but zombies do not do a whole lot plus it will not really be seen that great. I do not a have a oven to bake foam so that is a bummer & I really am not a fan of geletin. Anyway on with the pics of this latex appliance. I have many more to make, oh I will show ya it all finished & applied when i get the chance to do the make up.
Take care!
Take care!