03-28-2007, 04:40 AM
My website host (angelfire) decided to screw me over today, they are refusing to accept payments from me and downgraded my service and I now have 1001 pop up ad's on my site. Not sure why they did this since there's no way to contact these people directly but it looks like I’m in need of a new host.I've spent the day looking at some services, there are 3 hosts that I’ve found that look pretty good.1&1Start Logicand immotion hostingI kind of like 1&1 the most, gave them a call and the woman on the phone was eager to answer my questions. 1&1 seems to have great CS which is what I’m really looking for. I know some of you guys design websites for a living so I was wondering if anyone had xp with these hosts or if you could recommend a better one.Thanks.Jeff-