09-05-2011, 07:49 AM
Ok so i\'ve been having computer problems lately so I haven\'t been online that much . But I just checked out one of my close friends profiles only to find out that she died last wed.
ad: They don\'t know just yet what happened but thinks it\'s heart related but she was only in her late 20\'s like me and I do have a heart condition as well but don\'t know what kind she had . She is survived by her 3 great children and loving brother and sister and parents . I wish I could make it out to the service but she just lives too far out and I don\'t have the money for it . I did plan on making a tribute painting of her to keep and try to make another one and send it to her family . It\'s just that sickening feeling right now when you hear about a loss and you go into shock and your whole body just aches ..... Man I miss her so much