Quote:I think Paul was right at the beginning. Quantity does not mean a thing. With about 10 of the pieces I have, I could of spent that money on about 50 masks from Death studios...and probably 200 masks that are cheap mass produced...it was all in fun
In the end it\'s quality over quantity. Only reason I buy masks that aren\'t high end is when i\'m buying them for nostalgic purposes or if they\'re an old worn down movie prop....
Also, everyones idea of high end is different too. Not saying that Death Studios masks aren\'t amazing...but they\'re not high end display pieces. High end in my opinion is reserved for works from professional artists (ie; Jordu Schell, Casey Love, Jon Fuller, Conor M, Lee Romaire, Russ Lukick, Arturo, Alvarez, or anyone else that is basically at that level. Just those pieces in a collection that have amazing depth to the paintjobs and denote a sense of realism)...
All my opinion of course
I have good masks and I have not so good masks
I\'m a collector I collect Horror stuff and just cuz I dont have any pieces by the names you listed does that make me not a collector or just a "REAL" collector
this isnt a whos got better masks topic
it was a real simple question
just wondering how many ppl have
not how many "HIGH END PIECES"
I dont care if you only have one Love piece or 100 Rubies masks
not trying to sound like a dong or anything
your still cool Dan hope this doesnt rub ya the wrong way