12-28-2005, 10:59 PM
I\'m fairly certain those are fake. I\'m from central Texas where there are a lot of white tail deer. On the stretch of highway between my hpouse and the near est town, you will see at leat 5 dead deer at any given time. They get hit by small cars, pick-ups, and even 18 wheelers. Recently, a guy somehow managed to hit 7 deer at one time less than a mile away from my house. I have an uncle who lives there and the majority of his work is white tail mounts. So, I would say I\'m pretty familar with the anatomy of these animals. The blood is way to bright red and the skin doesn\'t come apart like that. And there wouldn\'t be that much goo over so much of the inside of the car. The car would have to be going alot faster and in which case, it would be much more severly damaged. Some people really have no life and nothing better to do than take bogus pictures of fake accidents.