02-24-2006, 07:49 AM
Quote:Man, I like every single Friday/Jason movie. I don\'t care. Some are better then others, a couple are way better then others, but they\'re all cool. I just wanna see Jason do his thing at Crystal Lake again. They know Jason has a hardcore following, they spend a mill or two making the movie, rake it all in opening weekend, probably double that maybe with dvd sales. We get a \'new\' Jason movie of a big guy in a Hockey Mask with tris doing his bloody work, and they get thier money.
Meanwhile we all run out to make a scene accurate Hockey Mask that matches the \'new\' Friday movie and show it off on NIGHTOWL and talk sh*t about why so and so\'s Hockey Mask is cool, but that other guys looks like moose knuckle.
good grief i was jsut saying newline f13 movies werent good like paramounts then it becomes crap about me trying to relicate there hockey masks..the only point i was trying to make is new line hasnt made a decent jason(or better than paramounts films) flick IMO and instead of them doing there thing to make a sequel whether it be good or not there remaking a classic which doesnt matter if it sucks or not why do it at all..jeez people wanna put me down jsut because i dont like new lines j flicks