02-28-2006, 06:36 AM
Wanna know what kills me? Death! Wait no thats not it. Anyway, I work in a comic and toy store,and the owner of the store got to go to Toy Fair in New York. GRRR!!! He got to see all the cool new stuff in person. He gets back and is going on and on about all the new stuff we are gonna carry, and I\'m like "Yeah,yeah,blah,blah,did you see Jason?", "Jason who?", he replies,at which point my head explodes because thats all I\'ve been talking about for days was Sideshow and NECA. He was sooo impressed by all the stuff Sideshow had to offer, we are gonna start selling their stuff in our store. WOOOO!!!! We already carry NECA so score 1 for me. :thumbsup: