07-27-2006, 03:31 AM
Quote:ya know...Im really getting tired of people recording themselves with silicone masks and just sittin there smackin their lips and openin their mouth and shuttin in, lol...ok sorry, had to vent. I appreciate anyone who will take the time to at least make a video period of a silicone mask to show the movement of it..
no offence...but come people, talk! moan, make noices...thats half the fun with these masks, you get to show emotion, a hellofalot more then with a latex mask, so come on!! lets here a "g-g-g-get the hell outta my way their s-s-s-scooter"
be like Chad!!!!
some of us dont have good old men voices, specially when we are 18 there for it would be lame...and embaressing..thansk for playing though