11-01-2006, 05:06 PM
Yeah, my Halloween sucked too. I hate depending on other people. When I get a house of my own My wife and I will do it up right. That\'s another reason why apartment living socks. My in-laws have insane amount of props and decerations to use. They decided not to go all out this year so I was pissed off. They still past out candy, but it\'s not the same. Maybe I am being selfish. All the kids in town look forward to the house being all decked out. Not only do they lose out but, we do as well. The kids were even throwing rocks at the house. It doesn\'t make it right, but they were expecting to see a great haunt too. Each year it seems that Halloween gets less exciting. It depresses the hell out of me. I hope to GOD next year is different. If not I coming over to your house Tommy (myers04). I hope you and Aaron got some pics. For those of you who had a good Halloween that\'s awesome. For those of us who didn\'t I feel your pain. Damn I sound bitter as hell.