09-26-2007, 01:38 AM
The original 75 Kirk mask has blond hair. Tommy Lee Wallace put something in it (not spray paint - he told me what it was but I forgot) to make it appear darker in the original movie. It ended up flaking off throughout the shoot and what was left was a brownish color you see throughout the first and second. For the rest of the sequels I'm sure they probably just used brown hair. And IbDaToNeGuY is right, they started to shoot Halloween 4 with a different mask (I believe it might have been an original Kirk) painted white but with the blond hair but it didn't hold up too well on film so they switched it very early on in the filming and re-shot the scenes. The only one they didn't have a chance to re-shoot was the school scene (which was shot the first day) and so that's why you catch a glimpse of a different mask with blond hair. And yeah, Ben Tramer's mask (H2) has blond hair as well.