01-24-2008, 08:44 PM
Hey Travis,Agreed. But NASA DOES have a habit of going ahead and showing pictures like this if it's almost impossible for anyone to actually prove that these things are anything but natural rock formations. I think the game is played like this - now everyone can afford to send up probes to take pictures of the lunar and martian surface. So NASA might as well get there first again, take pics of everything they know they have to hide and then be the first to claim that "it's nothing". Now that other countries have stated they are starting their own space programs, including private companies, is it just coincidence that all of a sudden NASA is suddenly motivated to get back up there again after 30 years of playing around in orbit with Space Shuttles and Space Stations? You need to think beyond us just having American Pride and we just want to always be in the lead. What if they found things a long time ago and have been hiding these facts but now that's under threat of exposure if other countries are now going to the moon and mars. If I were the entity NASA I'd want to get back up there and get into position to keep these things secret before other countries got there. In the meantime I (NASA) will still show you pictures of suspicious things (things that other countries will eventually take picture os as well) and go ahead and tell the world that all these things are just natural phenomena. That way these "formations" and such are good and discredited long before others are taking pictures as well.If you like to read, buy this book . . .Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA It's another one of those books where there is no actual "smoking gun" but pretty damn convincing evidence just the same and the authors have solid credentials.You'll love the "Data's Head" chapter near the end of the book.