06-30-2008, 06:13 AM
To clear up the confusion on what the item on eBay is exactly
uring production the FX guys (Forsche and company) had to come up with a stunt knife and several copies for fx shots. They got a couple real knives, took the blade from one and the handle from another and kitbashed them into a new knife. They then cast that new "combo" knife to make the hero knife and all the stunt rigged knives for the film. The knife he is selling is the "combo" knife they used to make the mold for the prop knives. So its really more of production used tool rather than a prop per se. Obviously it was never on screen, just like the sculpt of the hockey mask was never on screen, just copies molded off it. Its still a very cool item. I don't think you will see another come up from Forsche that is an actual knife, I'm sure they have only one. Resin copies maybe.... if he finds the mold or makes new one before sending this knife out....(fingers crossed)....if he has the hockey mold still he might have the knife mold.....and who knows what else? I spoke to him at a con and he says he has tons of stuff in boxes, he'll be digging through them over the next couple months for eBay....mostly Nightmare stuff from what he said.Idenyifying the brand of 2 vintage knives used and then bashing them to make a copy of the stunt knife is a possibility, if someone here buys it maybe we'll be able to figure out the brands like the Part IV poster knife.