02-16-2009, 02:59 AM
The freebie that came with it was the bomb too.I bought the Version 1 (the top one) but I never would have pulled the trigger on it if it weren't for that freebie bonus thing (that I'm hoping he'll also share info on.. hint, hint.. nudge nudge). It was just cool enough, unusual enough, and displayed nice enough to make me say "ok.. gotta' have one of those.. no matter what!"Heh.. I was kinda surprised you didn't state something to the effect of: screen used? sorta kinda.. not really, but maybe? lol Which film? Just part 1 unless you count the flashbacks.The designs are cool looking on the shirts, but without knowing the specifics on the printing process for these, and what they're really looking at, the impact is.. well.. kinda lowered at least. I'll be interested to get a good look at it in-person.Thanks again for such an awesome offer!