04-25-2009, 04:49 AM
Hey man welcome back, i never had a problem with you, or even spoke with you as far as i know, but i remember who you are, and just wanted to say that youve done something most wont, i dont need to say much more then that as we all know what i mean, but i also wanted to say i can relate to you on a few of the things you said, those are some serious illnesses, i personally suffer from ADD and OCD, im not bipolar but my X-wife was, it definately cost us our marriage, so i know what your going thru, you absolutely have to get a grip on these things wether it be thru medication, meditation, exercise, and what ever else the doc may suggest, i use to take alot of diffrent meds but have gotten down to just one twice a day, every otherway i treat myself is classes, reading, meditation, keeping a schedule, talking with others with similiar disorders, and most of keep myself busy, im not one to sit, ill go nuts for sure, lol, im a bit crazy but im also very driven in areas others arent, i could talk all night about these disorders cuz they have played such a big part in my life. I wont do that to you though, just wanted to let ya know your not alone and i feel ya, keep takin the meds and find a way to work it into your life man, rather then it letting you into its life. Take it easy bro, hope everything works out for you!