10-28-2009, 08:03 PM
They can judge the size based on the shape/size of the bite. They're suggesting it was approximately a 20 foot great white that bit him, based on THE PICTURES ONLY.Personally? I've seen a lot of bites that didn't remove the entire chunk of meat, and haven't actually seen one before where the meat itself was entirely scooped away, unless it was a limb. You see surfboards with a chunk missing like that, but that's because it breaks, rather than needing to tear away like meat would.I've also seen some where the teeth drag through the skin before taking out a chunk. For the record, I don't go looking for that kinda' stuff, so it may just be the fact that I just don't run into those kinda' pics, but if they're calling this a bite, it still seems "fishy".. <img src=\"style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\"
\" border=\"0\" alt=\"smile.gif\" />I guess it's possible that since the shark was stuck in-place, the attacker was able to get a nice, firm chomp, but I dunno.. the whole picture seems wrong..Like why are they dragging the shark in their own wake in the picture, when supposedly they dragged it all the way up onto the boat?On a boating trip I took, some years ago, they used a shark to chum for more sharks, it's innards spilled out, rather than being neatly scooped out like biting into a popsicle.Also, when you take a big chunk like that, the rest of the body isn't normally so "intact" in terms of maintaining it's overall silhoutte, because the innards aren't held in-place anymore and they want to slide along the path of least resistance.I'm not saying this is absolutely a falsehood, I'm just saying my gut instinct is to not buy into it. The fact that there are two pics, makes me think that it's not a photoshop, but it doesn't rule it out.Should be interesting to see how this turns out. The multiple media outlet coverage is of the circulation of this picture (and one other), not hard facts though. I'm seeing nothing regarding witnesses aside from a 19 year old surfer who references hearing about a big shark, and no news on what they've done with the shark, or what institution has it, or what their findings are, etc. Two pics, and speculation. "The Sun" even labelled one of their photo links "Fake," and it predates most of the other stories by two days.<a href=\"http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2699860/Attack-sparks-killer-shark-fears.html#ixzz0V5avcbOG\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/...l#ixzz0V5avcbOG</a><a href=\"http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00915/Fake-shark-pic_682_915958a.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive...682_915958a.jpg</a>Dunno.. it'll be interesting to hear an update.