11-09-2009, 07:52 PM
i just don't see the point in bringing back older pieces to replace new ones ? i mean say he has a line up of H1 , f3 , f 4 ,f 6 , f 7 masks in say 2008 . he retires them all so he can make new versions of every one of them for 09 , then does the same for 2010 . why keep releasing the same masks over and over instead of coming out with new pieces that hasn't been made before ? varietiy is a good thing . right ? i'm sure with the right offer you could get someone to part with a MH1 if you wanted it enough . i mean that's why we have a classifieds section lol . i know i sound like an a-hole but if it's always the same stuff for sale and never anything new then what's the point ? mike,